select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Bolivia%'
select webflatfileid, comname, sciname, webflatfile.vcode, rating, Day, height, width, spcode, photodata, country_state, locality, age, sex, month, dname, comments from webflatfile left join filelist on webflatfile.vcode = filelist.vcode where found=2 AND country_state LIKE '%Bolivia%' order by spcode, comname, rating DESC LIMIT 100
653 Images found.
Human Homo sapiens |
 j05/7/048 Human |
Greater Rhea Rhea americana |
 b57/19/033 Greater Rhea |  b57/19/034 Greater Rhea |  b57/19/035 Greater Rhea |  b57/19/036 Greater Rhea |
 f11/7/002 Greater Rhea |  j05/7/045 Greater Rhea |  f11/7/001 Greater Rhea |
Gray Tinamou Tinamus tao |
 d01/33/016 Gray Tinamou |
Undulated Tinamou Crypturellus undulatus |
 d01/33/020 Undulated Tinamou |  d01/17/011 Undulated Tinamou |
Small-billed Tinamou Crypturellus parvirostris |
 h34/4/001 Small-billed Tinamou |  h34/4/002 Small-billed Tinamou |
Red-winged Tinamou Rhynchotus rufescens |
 d01/33/004 Red-winged Tinamou |  b57/19/043 Red-winged Tinamou |
White-bellied Nothura Nothura boraquira |
 b57/19/037 White-bellied Nothura |  b57/19/038 White-bellied Nothura |
Short-winged Grebe Rollandia microptera |
 b57/19/406 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/407 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/408 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/409 Short-winged Grebe |
 b57/19/410 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/411 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/404 Short-winged Grebe |  b57/19/405 Short-winged Grebe |
Silvery Grebe Podiceps occipitalis |
 j05/7/079 Silvery Grebe |
Peruvian Pelican Pelecanus thagus |
 j05/7/061 Peruvian Pelican |
Puna Ibis Plegadis ridgwayi |
 b57/19/184 Puna Ibis |  b57/19/201 Puna Ibis |  b57/19/202 Puna Ibis |  b57/19/203 Puna Ibis |
 r10/22/001 Puna Ibis |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
 b57/19/266 Chilean Flamingo |  b57/19/267 Chilean Flamingo |  b57/19/276 Chilean Flamingo |  b57/19/293 Chilean Flamingo |
 k01/23/053 Chilean Flamingo |
Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus andinus |
 b57/19/262 Andean Flamingo |  b57/19/277 Andean Flamingo |  k01/31/192 Andean Flamingo |  k01/25/048 Andean Flamingo |
James's Flamingo Phoenicoparrus jamesi |
 b57/19/259 James's Flamingo |  b57/19/287 James's Flamingo |  k01/26/005 James's Flamingo |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
 j05/7/009 Black-necked Swan |  j05/7/010 Black-necked Swan |
Coscoroba Swan Coscoroba coscoroba |
 j05/7/031 Coscoroba Swan |  j05/7/032 Coscoroba Swan |  j05/7/033 Coscoroba Swan |
Andean Goose Chloephaga melanoptera |
 b57/19/398 Andean Goose |  d01/33/056 Andean Goose |
Orinoco Goose Neochen jubata |
 d01/33/057 Orinoco Goose |
Brazilian Teal Amazonetta brasiliensis |
 f11/7/007 Brazilian Teal |
Chiloe Wigeon Anas sibilatrix |
 j05/7/025 Chiloe Wigeon |
Speckled Teal Anas flavirostris |
 b57/19/271 Speckled Teal |  b57/19/272 Speckled Teal |  b57/19/289 Speckled Teal |  b57/19/291 Speckled Teal |
 b57/19/288 Speckled Teal |  j05/7/084 Speckled Teal |  j05/7/085 Speckled Teal |
Red Shoveler Anas platalea |
 b57/19/199 Red Shoveler |  b57/19/200 Red Shoveler |
Puna Teal Anas puna |
 b57/19/260 Puna Teal |  b57/19/268 Puna Teal |  b57/19/270 Puna Teal |  b57/19/292 Puna Teal |
 b57/19/269 Puna Teal |
Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens |
 d01/33/097 Crane Hawk |
Slate-colored Hawk Leucopternis schistacea |
 h34/4/003 Slate-colored Hawk |
Crowned Solitary Eagle Harpyhaliaetus coronatus |
 b59/6/016 Crowned Solitary Eagle |
Harris's Hawk Parabuteo unicinctus |
Roadside Hawk Buteo magnirostris |
 m42/5/002 Roadside Hawk |  m42/5/001 Roadside Hawk |
Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus |
 d01/33/091 Short-tailed Hawk |
Variable Hawk Buteo poecilochrous |
 b57/19/423 Variable Hawk |
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus |
 d01/33/079 Black Vulture |
King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa |
 d01/33/078 King Vulture |  f26/10/013 King Vulture |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
 d01/33/077 Andean Condor |
Mountain Caracara Phalcoboenus megalopterus |
 b57/19/400 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/319 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/414 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/320 Mountain Caracara |
 b57/19/321 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/322 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/323 Mountain Caracara |  b57/19/324 Mountain Caracara |
 b57/19/325 Mountain Caracara |
Southern Caracara Caracara plancus |
 f11/7/008 Southern Caracara |
American Kestrel Falco sparverius |
 d01/33/112 American Kestrel |  d01/33/113 American Kestrel |
Aplomado Falcon Falco femoralis |
 d01/33/109 Aplomado Falcon |
Chaco Chachalaca Ortalis canicollis |
 d01/17/153 Chaco Chachalaca |  d01/33/011 Chaco Chachalaca |
Andean Guan Penelope montagnii |
 r10/18/002 Andean Guan |
Sickle-winged Guan Chamaepetes goudotii |
 b57/19/361 Sickle-winged Guan |
Razor-billed Curassow Mitu tuberosa |
 d01/33/005 Razor-billed Curassow |
Bare-faced Curassow Crax fasciolata |
 d01/33/003 Bare-faced Curassow |
Speckled Chachalaca Ortalis guttata |
 b57/19/378 Speckled Chachalaca |